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Gardening & beautification

Mr. Heath Hampton, Social Studies teacher at MS 22 reached out to Victoria Griffin of MBK for help and direction on planting project to beautify the school.  MBK quickly and eagerly said YES to request and initiated a meeting with Mr. Smitty Darden, expert on gardening and keeper of local garden in community and extended invitation to teachers and students.  During it was decided to see first hand the work of a well kept garden and we joined Mr. Smitty on a walk toward his beautiful local community garden. Although overwhelmed by his experience and knowledge he encouraged us with a few suggestions that we start off with a full load of soil compost mix to build boxes at MS 22 and reach out to the parks department to get the process started and so we did. Weeks ahead involved delivering of soil, volunteers /students from our summer program most of who are english language learners for planting and beautifying the community.  Throughout these summer weeks of heat and humidity MBK provided meals for nourishment and cool iced water for hydration to all laborers.  The final result was a community composed of different members uniting and pushing through tiredness and fatigue to do good.  "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."  Galations 6:7-9


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